Backpacking India for Two Months | A Sneak Peek & Tips

While on a tour through Karnataka, I met Siobhan Carrick and Chandell Kelly. I'd briefly spoken with them on Instagram, and I knew they followed my blog. We had some amazing times together on the Chikkamagalur loop of the goMowgli tour & they kept me cracking up telling me stories from their last two months

All Time Best Restaurants in Delhi from a Local Foodie

Namrata Puri, fashionista, the girl behind Doe Design, and my all time favorite person to go to dinner with is ready to spill on the best spots to eat in Delhi. Unlike most girls, Nami orders a starter (or two), a main course, a few drinks, and a dessert. A girl after my own heart. When

International Boho-Chic Designers: La Vie Boheme by Vero M // INDIA

[Welcome back to the series "International Boho-Chic Designers". I have met so many fashion designers and artists on my travels from whom I buy jewelry, swimsuits, tops, etc. I love having unique items and I'm creating this section to share them with you.  These are people I've met and personally shopped from & love, not people