13 Tips on How to Save Money While Traveling

When you are planning a trip abroad or in your own country, each step is important to make sure you save the most amount of money. Once you're on the road it doesn't become a free for all; you still have to manage your expenses so you don't end up going home earlier than you

Your Backpacking India Budget: 20 USD per day

Another post for my “ask me anything” tag because this is a very FAQ about India. Everyone wants to know how much India is going to cost them and if I can break that cost down into categories for a backpacking India budget and daily India budget. Sure, why not!? Daily India Budget for Backpackers

Big News! Touring Karnataka with goMowgli, India’s first backpacker’s bus

This October, I’m going to be touring around Karnataka with goMowgli! It’s a state in India I haven’t seen nearly enough of. They're going to be revolutionizing the way people travel in India- so take a second to check out their site. UPDATE: As of 2018, gomowgli is no longer - sadly! If you still want a

Step by Step: How to Apply for Indian Tourist Visa from USA

This post is an incredibly detailed guide, step by step, for how to apply for an Indian visa from USA for US citizens. I have applied myself and taken notes and screenshots of every step of the way. You don't find a more detailed guide than this online. If you are from the UK, check

Most Popular Travel to India Questions Answered

I’ve been answering a lot of questions from potential travelers to India. Some of the questions are things I never even think to post on this website. I’m going to address the basics of travel to India now with some reader e-mails I have received, so perhaps you’ve even been redirected here in a reply

My 11 Secrets: How to Save Hundreds on Travel

You’ve shown up at the destination you’ve been dreaming about for years… are feel let down. It’s too expensive. It’s too crowded. You can’t get a beach chair. You can't even see over everyone to get a photo of the famous sunset.  Santorini sunset The worst time I felt this was in Koh Phi Phi,

Lost on the Dangerous Roads of Himachal Pradesh: Sarahan

If you’re planning a trip to the mountains, most likely you will fly into Delhi and head north from there. You might be going all the way up to Leh or Kashmir but it was November and we were soon to find out that we couldn't go so far north at that time. We stopped first in

FAQ: Should I Come to Goa in Monsoon?

I love rain. I grew up in Ohio where springtime meant rain for a month or more straight. A lot of people told me, “The Goa in monsoon season will be ten times more than what you’ve ever experienced," but I have to say, it isn’t that bad. I hear it's unbearable in Calcutta during the second