Plan Your Trip to India (VIDEO)

The couple behind a blog called Worldly Nomads reached out to me sharing a video they made of their time in India. I watched the video and got goosebumps! I knew I had to show it to you guys! I asked them to tell the itinerary that accompanied the video to help you plan your backpacking trip to

goMowgli VIDEO | One Month in Karnataka

As most people who read my blog know, I spent October of last year with goMowgli touring Karnataka. I raved about what a killer time I had in a review I wrote about the tour. While traveling with them I took my GoPro wanting to get more into video. UPDATE: As of 2018, goMowgli is

Wacky Wagah Border: India & Pakistan [video]

The Wagah Border is the only passing between Pakistan and India, two countries that sort of want to blow each other up. Everyone said go to the border, it's "interesting". They put on a show everyday and open the gates for two seconds. So we went to the Wagah Border Parade. We knew nothing, so