Welcome back to This is India! I always have funny/weird stories about India to share with friends or family when I talk to them. This is just meant to be an honest portrayal about my life in India through short anecdotes. I also share here what I’ve been up to online outside Hippie in Heels.

What I was up to other than here:

  • In the blogging world, Hippie in Heels was mentioned in this article about top travel instagrammers! Woo hoo. I love Instagram. Are you following mine? Here’s a link if not! I was at TBEX (travel blogging conference) all of last week, so this week I’ve been trying to put to use some of the things I learned while I was there.
  • I’ve been sick so haven’t gone out too much. It’s very hot right now in Goa (90’s with 40% humidity).
  • Ben got a “new dog”… I know, it’s not that surprising. He found him under our Omni van, so creatively named him Omni. He’s been around for almost a month now. He’s very sweet and I post pictures of him on IG and FB. He is definitely someone else’s dog and lost so we are trying to find his owner. Shanti LOVES Omni and the cat loves trying to kill Omni so it’s cool they all get along but there is unfortunately another layer of mud in my house :(

Now your story,

I’m going to tell you a story that was told to me by someone who will go unnamed since they would probably want it that way! lol

This girl and her boyfriend were on a local bus in India. After hours of the driver being a bit of a maniac, inevitably the bus breaks down. The guys who worked on the bus (2 ticket guys and driver) get out and are trying to fix it while everyone else waiting in their “sleepers” which are basically coffins you have to lie down it since there is no room to sit.

After some time, one guy finds this girl and her boyfriend, the only foreigners on the bus and after requesting something for about 3 minutes of confused conversation they finally realize he’s asking them for a condom!

Weirded out, but able to help, they gave him one. He came back 5 minutes later and asked for another. She gave him another. 5 minutes later they get in the bus and it starts moving. No explanation….

So either that was some serious jugaad (read this article to see what that means and how Indians can fix anything) OR while the bus was being fixed, that guy was bored and needed something to help him with some naughty time passing. I guess we will never know. lol!

This is India!

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