4 Luxurious Indian Islands (many people don’t know exist)

India has a luxurious side to it. I know it's got a stereotyped "dirty loud India" side as well, but the Indian islands that surround the country rival any of the top islands of the world. I sadly have been to NONE of them yet which is a real shame. Reason being, whenever we have the

Carry-on Packing List | It’s Easier Than You Think

I LOVE going carry-on only when I travel and recently did so on my trip to Bangkok for a week. I wrote down everything I packed so I could share it here and give some carry-on packing tips and what to have on your carry-on packing list. Easy Carry-on Packing List Rolling 19 Inch Luggage, Carry-on Luggage

English Seaside |A Day in Hastings and Rye

On the bank holiday while in Tonbridge (Kent), Ben's mom and Mick offered to take me, Ben, and Ben's little bro Max to Hastings and Rye on the coast. It's in East Sussex on the South coast.  We drove from Kent but you can take a train from Charing Cross in London and that'll take

Sample Backpacking Eastern Europe Itinerary

After my first time to Europe and visiting only the popular cities in the West, I was dreaming of Eastern Europe the whole next year in University waiting for summer to come around. It took ages to plan my sample Eastern Europe itinerary - and I'm going to detail it all here for you now

Little Travel Guide to Langkawi

Langkawi is a group of 99 islands off the West coast of Malaysia and is a popular vacation spot for Asian and Middle Eastern people. Two of the biggest things Langkawi is known for is marble (kawi) and eagles (helong), hence the name Langkawi! Less than 20% of Langkawi is developed, it’s the first UNESCO

The ONE Country That Can Make You Feel Like You’ve Been to FIVE

India has a vastly changing landscape and as you travel from state to state, not only does the language change- but the clothing, the attitudes, the traditions, and especially the weather changes along with it! You can't compare Manali with Kovalam, or Mumbai with Coorg... they are so different that it makes the traveler realize

9 New Beachy Things I’m Obsessed With Lately!

Everyone knows what you need to take to the beach, but every year more new things come out and I end up replacing everything with newer trendier versions. Of course, you need your towel, books, bag, phone, kindle, and earbuds. So, here are some of the new beachy things I'm obsessed with this summer! 9 New

Staying in Ka’anapali, Maui at the Sheraton

I was meant to stay at the Sheraton in Maui for only two days, but the night before check-out when I was meant to leave and explore a new hotel to tell you about... I searched and searched for best value for money hotels in Maui, and quickly realized that I was already there. The