“I Want to Quit Nursing to Travel” Tips for My Fellow Nurses

This post is for all my nursing readers. I know some of you are struggling with your jobs, or nursing school because you e-mail me about it, usually saying, "I want to quit nursing!" "I want to drop out of nursing school!" "How did you do it?" "Was your family mad?" I understand your feelings because

Introduction to Varanasi: It did NOT Go as Planned

There is so much to say on this vibrant place that I’ve done a few separate posts that will be up soon: Varanasi travel tips, What to Expect at the Ghats in Varanasi and below is my little introduction to Varanasi and to the crazy we got ourselves into. Man, Varanasi did NOT go as

Mango Fit Shares How to Stay Fit While Traveling

“Oh, as if! You skinny bitch!” This is what skinny girls hear when they complain about being fat, so I’ve got to tread lightly here. I know I’m not fat, but I have gained about 8 pounds in the last year in India. Traveling/expat life and being fit don’t really go together, especially in India

15 Tips for Drinking Bhang Lassi in India

Before I tell you my tips on how to drink bhang lassi in India, I want to paint a little picture of Rajasthan... but since there ARE photos in this post (lol) feel free to skip ahead, I suppose. Rajasthan is a very unique state in India. In the desert, with buildings that blend in

An American Nurse in a Ugandan Hospital

Although I didn't go to Uganda for the purpose of hospital volunteering, while I was there, I spent a few days a week volunteering at the local hospital Holy Cross Orthodox, in a nearby village, Namugoona. Early in the morning, I’d ride a bota bota there, sidesaddle, for about a dollar. It was a unique

Should I Get Travel Health Insurance?

Before your trip there is a lot to plan and get organized. But it's not just packing, you've got to think about paperwork and your health as well. Lots of new travelers ask me:  Should I get travel health insurance? The answer is most often, Yes! Whether it's for a short trip of a month or

Which Vaccinations Do You Really Need For Travel?

After planning your trip, telling your angry parents you’re leaving, and booking the flight, you might remember that you should check which vaccinations you need for where you’re going. Vaccinations for travel can be expensive and unnecessary so it’s important you do your research. I’ll help you. I was vaccinated like crazy when I got

Your Travel First Aid Kit – Advice from a Nurse

So usually when traveling these are the things I take. But, I will say sometimes I don't take any because I am a bit irresponsible and because I travel in Asia often, I can afford to buy this stuff as I need it.  5 Items in My Travel First Aid Kit: 1. Band-Aids. Just bring