Vacay Style Review: Your Next Trip’s Complete Wardrobe, Planned.

At the start of the year, I did a reader survey and many of you mentioned as feedback that you want me to share more styles of travel clothing for all body types - not just my body type. Some girls mentioned having more cleavage or not wanting to wear a crop top. So, I

Where to Buy Stylish Travel Clothes for Women – My Favorite Places to Shop

The number one question I get in comments and my inbox on Instagram is "where do you shop for your cute travel clothes!?" You might be surprised to find that my list (below) of where to buy stylish travel clothes for women doesn't actually have "travel clothing" companies but just normal stores. For me (and

Best Multipurpose Travel Bags

When it comes to packing light or fitting everything into a carry-on, I love finding multipurpose travel bags to use as my personal handbag. I always put all my tech items in my personal bag in case they make me force-check my carry-on. I put my laptop, tablet, Kindle, camera, and lenses in my personal

How to Dress in Morocco in a Way That is Stylish AND Appropriate

Whenever I travel somewhere that's a little more conservative, girls leave messages or send emails asking what I've packed and how I dressed in a certain country. Morocco was no different so I promised I'd share how to dress in Morocco along with some of my favorite styles now for travel. What to wear in

Trust Me, You Want These Gifts For Christmas!

It's almost Christmas! Got a trip coming up? Here are some gifts travelers need, but they just don't know it yet. If you read my blog ever you can probably guess I don't put typical "travel" gear on my packing lists as I always think of traveling as an extension of your normal life. Here

Packing Tips: Best Travel Shoes

I have tried and tested a variety of travel shoes over the last few years and have some stand out favorites. Nowadays, I alternate out the same brand of shoes as they wear down and often never even pick another color. Here are the best travel shoes to take on your next big trip! My

Vegas Outfits | One week in Vegas Packing Guide (Carry-on)

If you're wondering what to wear in Vegas, look no further! I put together some Vegas outfits for one week in Vegas. When I was looking in my closet for "Vegas clothes" or dresses for Vegas that were in style, I was sadly disappointed. I hadn't been clubbing for two years since living in Goa