Dahi Handi in Mapusa, Goa (coolest festival in India)

I’ll just go ahead and apologize in advance about the shit quality of the photos of Dahi Handi in Mapusa, Goa, India. I wasn’t sure what to expect last year and didn’t bring my camera. There are SO many festivals in India and some turn out photo-worth, while others are just kids throwing fire crackers and drunk

20 Unique & Honest Travel Tips for Varanasi

These 20 Varanasi travel tips come from basically making so many mistakes here. It's such a complex city that I have four posts about it. I actually could write even more. If you missed the last ones, I recently shared an intro to my Varanasi trip about where to stay, how to get there, and

What to Expect at the Cremation Ghats In Varanasi

Varanasi (Beneres) is one of the hardest cities in India to travel through, especially alone. It’s in the state Uttar Pradesh and the Holy Ganges runs through, bringing people from all over the world to see the religious ceremonies that take place here. Varanasi is the most fascinating place I’ve been. this is my FAVORITE

Introduction to Varanasi: It did NOT Go as Planned

There is so much to say on this vibrant place that I’ve done a few separate posts that will be up soon: Varanasi travel tips, What to Expect at the Ghats in Varanasi and below is my little introduction to Varanasi and to the crazy we got ourselves into. Man, Varanasi did NOT go as

Taking Ben to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame // Cleveland

Although I was home in Ohio for a month, Ben only came for about a week, just in time for my best friend's wedding. He knew I lived out in the middle of nowhere, but I don't think he quite grasped it when he asked if we could spend a few days in NYC or Chicagao.

My Best Friend Got Married: Rachel & Ian

What would the point of this blog be if I couldn't share my best friend's wedding with you all? Rachel and I met in preschool when we were 3 or 4 and have been bestie's ever since. I made sure I was back in the U.S. for not just her wedding, but the other festivities.  Rach

Celebrating Sao Joao in Goa by Jumping in Wells

Every year in monsoon on June 24th, Christians celebrate Sao Joao in Goa in dedication to John the Baptist. There are lots of Christians in Goa because of the Portuguese influence so you see beautiful churches like in Old Goa. Because there is such a big bunch of believers here, they have a festival in

Crazy Holi Celebrations in Goa with Video!

How many mornings start out with you opening your front door to a bucket of blue water in your face? Followed by a sneak attack bucket poured from the balcony... It happens every year in Goa and this was my first year to celebrate. I have a video of our day at the bottom that